Saturday, August 19, 2006


Trading Cat Stories

Trading Cats

Welcome everyone to my Trading Cats blog. I created this blog because I wanted to tell the world about my crazy animals, especially my kitten Nugget. I will be posting animal/pet tales of my own as well as others. Come on in and share your own animal stories!

Aminals are the the funniest people I know. I have a cat that could dub as a four-year-old child any day of the week! Give him some bib-overalls and a runny nose and you'd have an exact fit! One thing four-year-olds don't do well is animal tricks, like getting on top an armoire. Perched atop my six foot tall armoire, Nugget the kitten stands on his back legs in prairie dog fashion. With his two front paws held together in prayer he looks like a monk from Nepal! I wonder what he's praying for. He does this everytime he gets up there, closer to Heaven & God I'm guessing! Nugget makes me laugh, which is something that few people do!

Trading Cats

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