Thursday, August 24, 2006


My Little Water Buffalo


Nugget the cat has many personas. I have counted about 19-20 since his birth a little over six months ago. When this little kitten was half the size he is now we had a game we'd play. I'd be resting on my bed and he was wanting to play. I would wiggle my fingers under the covers. As his imagined prey got closer and became more lively his ears would lower until they pointed outward, level with his head...much like the horns on a water buffalo. Nugget's eyes darkened until only his pupils were visible. Right before leaping through the air his body wobbled. He sailed through the air and landed covering my hand with his baby teeth! The first time this cat transformed into a 'little water buffalo' I laughed histerically.


We's glad we founded Nuggets and yours bloggy. We putted your linky on our bloggy and on the Cat Blogosphere bloggy too. We hopes that's ok. Welcom to the blogosphere!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
(and the Cat Staff)of the
House of the Mostly Black Cats
Hi Nugget and Nugget's Mum. Welcome to the blogoshpere.

I like to jump up on things too, but I don't have anything 6 feet high to get on, except the big cold box.

Looking forward to more adventures.
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