Tuesday, October 31, 2006



Thank god for talk radio! In our community we have a program called YOUR DAY which airs on PBS at noon everyday. Well, on Wednesday two veteranarians take questions and concerns from caller about their respective pets. So, I must be one of the concerned anxious callers tomorrow. Here's hoping the vets can solve the mystery.

That darn kitten has a sleep depriving pattern going on. Fiesty kitty is not the one deprived of zzzz's. It's me! Invariably as I settle down for a nights rest Nugget begins his rendition of CRY ME A RIVER. I can not figure out what is going through his feline brain. Does he dislike the inactive state I'm in? Very possibly! No crying sound are heard while I am busy working around the house. But the moment I turn the light out and drop to the pillow he starts singing. Or is he afraid of the dark? Not too possible! A light is always left on. Besides how many cats do you know that are afraid of the dark?

I am completely baffled. So, it's off to PBS for some vet advice. If any of you can shed some light on Nuggets habit of not wanting to sleep at night, please comment. Thanks!

no, nuthin' odd is goin' on. we kitties are just nocturnal by nature. oh, sure, we adapt to our beans' ways a little, but you'd be surprised at how much activity there is after bedtime in kitty houses. (then again, you probably wouldn't . . .) we is just kitties; sorry!
Well, kitties are nokturnal. But dunno why he cries like that. We just ignores the sleepin beans and plays wifout 'em. Hope he don't feel like cryin nomore.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
That is just part of being a cat. I am always on the prowl at night, trying to get the lazy furless ones up. You asked who designed our blog.....our Momma made it special for us.
Hi, Nugget! Fanks fur commentin on my flickr pictors (it was a plant, not a spider).
When I wanna play at sleepy time, Mom and Dad gifs me a good 15-minute active play session. Then, I's sleepy too an I don't efun bug Bonnie as much. Yup, play therapy is my first suggestion.
Another, hard as it is, is to shut him in anofur room fur the night. Leaf food, water, litterbox, a soft light an a soft radio on, but especially a bed. He'll get bored an go to sleep, an be furry happy to see you in the mornin. Then some play therapy. Eventually, he'll get into the routine that night is sleep time and you won't haf to shut him up.
Mom's read this stuff in books by reely smart beans, like Cat vs Cat.
Purrs to Nugget an zzzzzs to yur Mom!
Hi Nugget and Beaker

Nice to meet more blogging kitties. I can't help with the problem of the night-time crying, I tend to zzzzzzz at night, I only start mewing when I get hungry. Maybe he gets hungry in the night? My mum used to have a dog who whined at night because he wanted to sleep on her bed and not downstairs. She caved in and he was quite happy once he was in the bedroom.
Hi, Nugget & Beaker - thanks for stopping by our blog. We don't have problems sleeping at night but then we are lots older than you too. Hope you let your Mom get some sleep
Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog. Check out the psychokitty, Max. He calls it singing at night, and he does it around 2 or 3 in the morning. He sings to sing, to entertain, and most of all, to wake up his humans for basically no reason but the fact that he can. It's just a cat thing.

Oh, and stop it now, or live with it the rest of your life....
o, i don't know why little Nugget cries. i cry when i can't find my Mommie or my Daddie or Bear, the little bitty woofie. but all they hafs ta do is pik me ups 'n love on me 'n i's okay. 'n i don't reely like tha dark. i specially don't like ta be alone in tha dark.
Thanks for stopping by our blog. Welcome to our community.

From your posts, we belive Nugget is about 7 months old (same as Misty). Maybe if your gave him some intensive play time before you retire at night (like chasing a flying feather) it would wear him out and he'd sleep better. Does he sleep with Beaker? Do you let him in the bedroom with you?

Crews' Mom
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